Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Life is indeed strange..

With age maybe I have become a philosopher whose mind is yet to be molded.

At one point in my life all that mattered to me was to look pretty, get more marks than anyone or my closest competitor, guys...(I was the prettiest girl in class, there wasn't a guy was not interested in me)

I wonder where all this has gone now, I care for my skin n health still, but don't prioritize it anymore. Guys, is replaced with my husband. Kids take up all my time.
My 11 year old son told me yesterday, "Mom, you need to start going to gym. You are a little fat." This coming from the cherub I got fat and soft for. Well, am on a mission now to reduce weight.

BTW, forgot to mention I have another one, 2 year old. So am close to 60 kgs now, that is 12 kgs more from pre-pregnancy weight. My boobs sag, have a stomach that can be tied in a bag and arms that can jiggle without me dancing.

I hate all the actresses and women who have access and time to become their old self again. Well, being a middle class south indian (the food we eat on a daily basis is full of carb, we cannot eat if we have to diet) can't find time to excercise...maybe now is a good time to mention my husband does not stay with me. We are still married, he lives with his parents and I live with my mom. He cannot come here and I hate going there and living with his super bitchy mom. So, he lives there and me here with kids and we meet almost every alternate month. (cant go longer than this without you know his...).Complete responsibility of kids is on me. As hubby is still suffering the recession, earning for family is still my cup of tea. With these I do not get time for anything but kids.